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기술강국 대한민국 Y·TECH

Dept. of Urban Space Design

홈으로 Y · TECH SMART TECH Dept. of Urban Space Design

SMARTTECHDepartment of Urban Space Design

A department with the best employment rate, providing education in architecture and civil engineering

Department Introduction

The Department of Urban Space Design helps students learn how to design beautiful, healthy, and eco-friendly exterior spaces (bridges, roads, landscaping, etc.) and interior spaces (architectural structure).

Department Features

  • Operation of the common subjects for the freshman and specialized urban architecture and urban civil engineering courses for sophomores and juniors provide a wide range of choices
  • Field-oriented education through NCS-based field trips
  • Operate Urban space structure safety program and urban regeneration program (comprehensive educational program integrating architecture, civil engineering, and urban landscaping)
  • Diversified career choices enabled by gradual and comprehensive education in engineering and design (as engineers or designers)
  • Increased employment rate by enhancing industry-university cooperation