Established on the fifth floor of the main building when the school opened in 1993, the Yeoam Library is the home of college education and holistic education. With a capacity for 120,000 books, 10,000 square meters of space, and one basement floor and four floors, a new building was completed in February 2001 and opened on March 2, 2001.
The library holds 100,000 books, 120 types of periodicals, and 7,000 pieces of non-book materials, as well as 660 reading seats and 170 general seats for the users to study in a free environment.
An internet cafe composed of 50 computers and National Assembly Library computer desk that can search and print all data from the institution allow the Yeoam Library to become a university institution that leads the era and meet the requirements of the consumers in the information age.
Business Hours and Holidays
Category | Open Hours | |
1st Floor | Internet Cafe | 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM |
2st Floor | Reading Room | 6:00 AM - 10:40 PM |
3st Floor | Resource Room | 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM |
The opening hours are subject to change in accordance with the determination of the library director.
Loan Limits and Periods
Category | Loan Limits | Period |
Faculty | 10 books | 14 days |
Undergraduate Students, General Member (Yeoju Residents) | 3 books | 7 days |
Floor Information
1st Floor
There is an internet cafe with 50 computers for free use.
Internet Cafe
With CCD cameras and headsets, the users can communicate with each other real-time, and the computers with DVD readers and printers allow the users to save and print online information.
2nd Floor
The second floor of Yeoam Library has 600 free reading seats and 160 general seats for the users to study.
General Reading Room
3rd Floor
The third floor of Yeoam Library hosts books, periodicals, dissertations, and reference information. A librarian is on call to answer questions from the users. The resource room as copiers and printers for users to use freely, and the library office is the place that categorize all resource in the library and execute administrative tasks.
Resource Room
The resource room as 100,000 books, 120 types of periodicals, and 7,000 non-book materials, which can be checked out and returned.