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기술강국 대한민국 Y·TECH

Dept. of Health and Rehabilitation

홈으로 Y · TECH MEDI TECH Dept. of Health and Rehabilitation

MEDITECHDepartment of Health and Rehabilitaiton

Educating talents in global health management, rehabilitation, and healthcare

Department Introduction

With academic base in rehabilitation science and healthcare science, the department strives to train students to apply theories to practical fields of medical, rehabilitation, and healthcare, in order to become world-class field-oriented healthcare professionals

Department Features

  • In the field of medicine, rehabilitation, and healthcare, which is based on human movement, the students learn to apply academic theories of rehabilitation science and healthcare science, and in doing so, they also learn to work in global practice fields to lead a new paradigm of medicine, rehabilitation, and healthcare in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution