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기술강국 대한민국 Y·TECH

Dept. of Dental Hygiene

홈으로 Y · TECH MEDI TECH Dept. of Dental Hygiene

MEDITECHDepartment of Dental Hygiene

Well-being Life begins from healthy teeth!

Department Introduction

The department instructs its students on professional knowledge and techniques on oral healthcare, providing theoretical and clinical practices through its field-oriented curriculum to help the students become dental hygienists who can efficiently execute dental hygiene education, preventative dental care, dental treatment support, and business management support, thereby contributing to the national dental health.

Department Features

High national examination pass rate and employment rate

  • 95% of the students pass the national exam every year and the graduates have some of the highest employment rate in the Seoul area

Active industry-university collaboration

  • Clinical practice in dental offices at university hospitals, general hospitals, and clinics; industry-university scholarships; employment affiliation

Local community dental hygiene projects

  • Dental hygiene management programs at daycares, kindergartens, elementary schools, high schools, handicapped facilities, and local clinics

Appointment of Medical non-commissioned professional